

Is It Time to Leave Mac OS for Linux? 

Is It Time to Leave Mac OS for Linux? 

If you spend any time following major tech influencers, whether you agree with them or not, it's hard to deny that even hardcore Apple fans are unhappy with the direction of Apple.  It's somewhat understandable; while the new iMacs have the same stunning screens, good design, and the quality aesthetic and materials they're been known for, the rest of the underlying hardware can leave a little to be desired.

5 Facial Recognition APIs - The Future of Biometric-Enabled App Development?

5 Facial Recognition APIs - The Future of Biometric-Enabled App Development?

As biometrics continue to play an increasing role in app development, savvy programmers need to acquaint themselves with the growing number of available APIs. Companies within the facial recognition space are launching application programming interfaces at a growing rate. Capable of everything from eye shape analysis to facial hair tracking, these APIs give an intriguing peek into the future of app development. Review the following facial recognition APIs to see which ones you will be adding to your list of cool developer tools to try: